New Energy Freedom marks the birth of green manufacturing of the lowest-carbon auto fuel, jet fuel, and bio-based chemicals—all made from Iowa corn stalks right here in Mason City. Find out how you can 1) turn some of your stover into a cash crop every year and 2) share the profits of a farmer-owned business for years to come. It’s a once-in-a-generation opportunity, with lifetime advantages to signing up now.
Drop by our booth August 3-5 at the North Iowa Nationals truck and tractor pull on Chamber Acres in Rockwell. Ask Andy Moser how to turn your stover into a cash crop and farmer-owned business. Or contact Andy at 641-530-1848 or [email protected] to find out more on membership to New Energy Farmers LLC and becoming a premier biomass supplier.
Home of your clean, green, carbon-lean future.
Click to find out more about our Freedom project at newenergyblue.com
® 2023 New Energy Freedom, 9 Federal Avenue #204 Mason City IA, 50401, a New Energy Blue company www.newenergyblue.com
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